NarroWay Blog
Step onto the stage and behind the scenes with the NarroWay blog. Get an inside perspective on live theatre and Christian entertainment and travel the NarroWay journey with our founders / directors, cast and crew. Be encouraged, informed and empowered with these personal, reflective stories. Laugh, smile and be entertained as you follow along, share your thoughts and join in on the conversation!
Latest Blog Posts
- Behind the Scenes: Five Little Known Facts in “The Gospel According to Tennessee”
- Charles "Chuck" Richardson, Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer
- John Horace Beauford: A Real Hero Who Stormed Normandy, by Accident
- Leroy Worcester, Navy Serviceman in World War II
- James Alexander, Enlisted on His Birthday
- Jack Frank: 1142nd Engineer Combat Group
- Private James Robert Knight, Enlisted to Serve at 17